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Moon-Wise Astrology
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About the Moon
Lunar Wisdom | Solar/Lunar Cycles | Your Lunar Element | Lunar Timing | Full / New Moon 2011

About the Moon - Lunar Timing

When the moon is in a fire sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, there is feeling of enthusiasm, vitality, a need to be active and an urge to do something new.

When the moon is in an earth sign: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, it is a good time for business dealings, and accomplishing tasks where practicality, and attention to details

When the moon is in an air sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, you may feel full of idea’s, have a strong need to communicate with others, and want to get out and go walking, or take a short trip somewhere.

When the moon is in a water sign: Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you can feel more emotional, sensitive, intuitive, and imaginative. It is good time to be creative, share your feelings, relax and be nurtured or be nurturing.
The Mode

When the Moon is in a Cardinal Sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, it is the best time to initiate project and actively pursue what you want.

In the Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, the Moon energy is slow, determined, and persistent. It is good to take under consideration that people and situations can be stubborn and resistant to change but able to consolidate, preserve and maintain their endeavors.

And in the Mutable Moon Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, it is time to modify efforts and brainstorm for new projects. If you have the Moon in a Mutable Moon Sign you tend to be flexible, changeable and can be scattered.

The Orientations:

The Moon in the Personal Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer ; People will be more emotionally focused on their personal self and what they feel and needs.

The Moon in the Social Signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio ; People will direct their lunar energies towards interpersonal relationships and socializing in general.

The Moon in the Universal Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces ; The emotional weather with the Universal Signs will bring out the tendence for people to be humanitarian, philosophical, and spiritual.
Daily Lunar Timing

In Gardening with the Moon, the New Moon to the First Quarter is the time to plant seeds, repot plants, sow lawns, Full Moons are also favored for harvesting plants that need to be rich in moisture content, such as grapes, tomatoes, strawberries, while plants that produce below the ground, such as potatoes and carrots, are best planted during the 'Dark of the Moon'. The Waning Moon is the time for, cutting back dead growth, harvesting root vegetables and drying herbs, flowers and fruit.

Best times to get a Haircut:

Growth: Waxing Moon phase First and Second Quarter. Moon in Cancer, Scorpio or Aquarius.

Decreased growth: Waning Moon Phase Third and fourth Quarter
Moon in Gemini, Leo, or Virgo.

Thick hair Full Moon and not in Virgo.


It is best to travel when the moon is in Gemini or Libra andnthe moon is well aspected to Mercury or Jupiter. Avoid Moon aspects to Mars Saturn Uranus, Pluto.


Waxing Moon: more success Best signs Leo Sagittarius Libra, Aquarius.
Aspects between Moon to Venus and Venus to Jupiter.
Waning moon: Transformation Lessons to learn

Party Time:

Moon in First/Second Quarter in Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
The Moon aspects Venus or Jupiter is good for a party
Moon Aspects Mars or Saturn is socially difficult

Buy Clothes:

First or Second Quarter Moon in Taurus or Libra is good for buying clothes.

The Moon aspects to Venus and Mercury are harmonious aspect for buying clothes,
but when not when the Moon is in Scorpio because it would tend to bring out the compulsive shopping tendencies.

Diet Timing:

Gain: First/Second Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Loss: Third/Fourth Aries Leo Virgo Sagittarius.

Lunar Wisdom | Solar/Lunar Cycles | Your Lunar Element | Lunar Timing | Full / New Moon 2011

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